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RAF Waddington, Buckinghamshire 
Frank Edwards
Wailess, Corporal - Stretcher Bearer, 2nd Battalion, Loyal Regiment 
Eric Wallwork - War Diary
Walcheren, The Netherlands 
Bill Morgan 1
Bill Morgan 2
Jack Morgan 1
Jack Morgan 2
Walker, Major Edward Brian - Manager, Walker's Tannery + Royal Artillery, killed in action Tunisia 1.3.1943
Arthur Orrell
Walker Avenue, Bolton
Dick West
William Walker & Sons, Tanners, Nelson Street, Bolton
May Longworth 1
May Longworth 2
Arthur Orrell
Walker Institute, Home Guard HQ, Green Lane, Bolton
Dick West
Wallingford, Berkshire 
Arthur Orrell
T Walmsley & Sons, Bridgeman Street, Bolton
Audrey Cole
Eric Wallwork - Loyal Regiment, 2nd Battalion 
Eric Wallwork - main page
Wallwork's, Albert Mill, Gladstone Road , Farnworth 
Ernie Holden
War Declared 
Bill Brown
Betty Jean Hall
Harry Higson
Ernie Holden
Edith Kay née Curtis
Edith Kay née Hayston
Maurice Kobelt
May Longworth
John Makin
Ernest Marsden
Lilian Mills
Bill Morgan
Jack Morgan
Leila Parker
Nellie Shaw
Vince Southern
Edith Thorpe
Edith Williams
Dick West
The War Medal
War Weapons Week 
Wargrave, Lancashire
Roy Swannick 1
Roy Swannick 2
Warship Week 
Image 1
Image 2
Edith Kay née Curtis
Watermillock, Crompton Way 
Edith Kay née Hayston
Leila Parker
Nellie Shaw
Waters Meeting, Bolton
Arthur Orrell
Robert Watson, Bolton 
Leila Parker
Webster's, Spa Road, Bolton 
Harry Higson
Beverley Kay 1
Beverley Kay 2
Weddings + Honeymoons 
Leila Parker Wedding - Image
Edith Thorpe Wedding - Image
Frank Edwards
Betty Jean Hall
Edith Kay née Curtis
Leila Parker 1
Leila Parker 2
Edith Thorpe
Edith Williams 1
Edith Williams 2
Dick West
Wellington, Vickers - Bomber
George Davies
Frank Edwards
Allan Lord
Welsh, Joyce 
Joyce Welsh - Written account
West, Bob - Brother of Dick West
Dick West
West, Doris - Wife of Dick West
Dick West 1
Dick West 2
West, Richard Lowry - Royal Air Force
Dick West - main page
RAF West Freugh, Wigtownshire, Scotland 
Bill Morris - main page
Bill Brown
Betty Jean Hall 1
Betty Jean Hall 2
Betty Jean Hall 3
Weston Street, Bolton
Allan Lord
Arthur Orrell
Lilian Mills
Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset 
Frank Edwards
Ernest Marsden
Westwood, Chorley New Road, Bolton
Maurice Kobelt
Westwood, Ray - Footballer, Wartime Wanderer 
Whalley, Ruth - Killed in Air Raid, 22 Punch Street, Bolton 12.10.1941 
Joyce Welsh - Written account
White Horse, Bolton Road, Kearsley - Public House 
Vince Southern
White Lion Brow, Bolton
John Makin
Whitebait - RAF Codeword for bombing attacks on Berlin 
George Davies
Whitecroft Road School, Bolton
Nellie Shaw 1
Nellie Shaw 2
Edith Williams
Whitehead's Department Store, 4 Deansgate, Bolton 
Barbara Smith
Edith Thorpe 1
Edith Thorpe 2
Edith Williams
Whiteing, Captain John Francis - 2nd Battalion, Loyal Regiment, POW Keijo Camp, Korea - died 01.12.1942 
Eric Wallwork - War Diary
Whittle, George - Chargehand
Allan Lord
Wigan, Lancashire 
Maurice Kobelt
Edith Thorpe 1
Edith Thorpe 2
All Saints School 
Maurice Kobelt
Wigan Road, Bolton
Edith Kay née Hayston
Leila Parker
RAF Wigtown, Wigtownshire, Scotland 
Bill Morris - main page
Willcock, Pte John - 2nd Battalion, Loyal Regiment, POW Keijo Camp, Korea - died 02.11.1942 
Eric Wallwork - War Diary
Wilkinson's Sanatorium, Belmont Road, Bolton 
Edith Kay née Curtis
Nellie Shaw
Wilde, Miss - Teacher at Gaskell Street School, Bolton 
Maurice Kobelt
Willesden, Middlesex
Arthur Orrell
Williams, Bert - Footballer 
Frank Edwards
Willams, Bob - Royal Air Force
Ernest Marsden
Williams, Edith (née Hart) - ATS, sister of Nellie Shaw
Edith Williams - main page
Nellie Shaw
Williams, Jack - Royal Corps of Signals, Husband of Edith Williams
Edith Williams 1
Edith Williams 2
Williamson Manufacturing Company, Reading
Arthur Orrell
Williamson Manufacturing Company, Willesden, London 
Arthur Orrell
Willows Park, Bolton 
Edith Kay née Hayston
Wilson, Joe - Weight Lifter, Bolton Harrier & Post Office co-worker 
John Makin
Winder & McKean Ltd, Bradford Mill, Weston Street, Bolton
Lilian Mills
Windsor Cinema, Deane Road, Bolton 
Edith Kay née Hayston
Wings For Victory Week
John Makin
Winter, Danny - Footballer, Wartime Wanderer 
Withington, Dick - Footballer 
Frank Edwards
Wittekindshof Institute, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany 
Ernie Holden
Wolfenden & Naylor, Accountants, Bradford Buildings, Mawdsley Street, Bolton 
May Longworth
Women's Auxiliary Air Force - WAAF 
Betty Jean Hall
Women's Land Army - WLA 
Cap Badge - Image
Betty Jean Hall
Nellie Shaw 1
Nellie Shaw 2
Nellie Shaw 3
Edith Williams
Hall, Betty Jean 
Betty Jean Hall - main page
Methuen, Hon Mrs - Women's Land Army Overseer 
Betty Jean Hall
Shaw, Nellie (née Hart) - Women's Land Army, Sister of Edith Williams
Nellie Shaw - main page
Edith Williams
Nellie Shaw
Women's Royal Naval Service - WRNS (Wrens) 
May Longworth
May Longworth
Longworth, May 
May Longworth - main page
May Longworth
Women's Voluntary Service - WVS 
Edith Kay née Hayston
Leila Parker
Nellie Shaw
Vince Southern
Wood, Captain Noel Hall - Bolton Artillery - 53rd (Bolton) Field Regiment, won Military Cross, 
Woodfield Street, Bolton
Dick West
Woodward, Tom - Footballer 
Beverley Kay
Woolloomooloo, Sydney, Australia
Bill Brown
Woolton, Lord - Marquis, Frederick James - 1st Baron Woolton, Minister for Food 
Betty Jean Hall
Woolwich, London 
Maurice Kobelt 1
Maurice Kobelt 2
Royal Ordnace Factory, Royal Arsenal 
Maurice Kobelt
Woolwich Barracks, London 
Jack Morgan
Workers' Playtime 
Arthur Orrell
RAF Worthy Down, Hampshire 
Beverley Kay
RNAS Worthy Down, Hampshire 
May Longworth 1
May Longworth 2
John Makin
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